Note-This is posted due to james request if u also want your particular game to be hack post in request for hacks post in this blog
- iDevice
- Charles
Hack Features:
- No Jailbreak
- 500,000 Gold
Note-You have to configure charles for this hack search the internet for this or ill make a detailed post about it later
Download the hack file: DeerHunter2014.xml
2. When you download and configure Charles, go to "Tools" and choose "Rewrite".
3. In opening window and put a chek "Enable rewrite".
4. Next, click "Import" and choose file, which you download.
2. When you download and configure Charles, go to "Tools" and choose "Rewrite".
3. In opening window and put a chek "Enable rewrite".
4. Next, click "Import" and choose file, which you download.
Then click Apply and OK.
Now launch the game, tap free, choose "watch video", watch it to the end and you will get 500000 Gold.